This photo of Rapperswil was shot cycling across a causeway.

This couple seems to be enjoying the sunshine. Note: they are NOT real.

A view across Lake Zurich.

What was this pastry shop thinking? It looks more like a hair salon thanks to the couple above the door with the dated hair.

I like this old house (more than 200 years old) out in the countryside overlooking a small lake.

You can buy honey straight from the farmer at this self-service set-up outside his place.

Pretty spiffy pelican mailbox.

Cycling past chocolate maker Lindt & Springl's lakefront factory is dangerous. That sweet smell of chocolate in the air makes one light-headed! An onsite chocolate shop is always packed with tourists (especially from Japan) and many leave with bags full of chocolate goodies. I'm sure the tourists don't care but, I've checked prices and it's the same price as found in grocery stores.

If like me, you probably couldn't care less about soccer. However, it is the biggest sport in the world. FIFA (Federation International Football Association) is the world's governing body of soccer and (like the Olympics) is a multi-BILLION dollar business.

Located high in the hills above Zurich in a lush park-like setting, the facade of this massive 200,000 square foot adminstrative building is wrapped in netting. Built in 2006, what's the weight of the steel netting? 250 metric tons! The site was formerly a recreation complex for employees of Credit Suisse, the big Swiss bank. Adjacent are multiple soccer fields as well as a large fitness center .

They allowed me to snap this photo of the lobby area.

So, in an earlier posting I showed you kirsch (cherry liquer) amaretti cookies from one of my favorite shops. The big cookie on the left and in the rear hails from my other favorite place in Zurich (Haussman's). Beside kirsch, Haussman's also offers Cognac, Champagne and lemon amaretti cookies. Yummy!!

I've seen tons of apartment buildings and homes where stairways have been constructed for cats to go up and down and in and out. But, this spiral staircase is a first!

This bike sits outside a garden center.

Always have to snap photos of these guys.
those two 'pasty' looking folks weren't real? who'd a thunk it-them bein' europeans and all! love the pics paul thanks!