Friday, August 2, 2024

Neuchatel/Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland (Part 4)


Every 40-50 years Switzerland puts on a national exposition--sort of like a mini world's fair. The last fair was in 2002 and Neuchatel was the host city. This is when the 5 star Hotel Palafitte was built on Lake Neuchatel It's the only hotel in Europe built on stilts.

It looks pretty cool, right? I'd only want to stay here in the winter. Why? Because then you wouldn't have to deal with pesky gnats, mosquitos and others insects playing havoc in the summer. 

That's the hotel restaurant in the center deck.
I'm about a half-dozen miles from Neuchatel and had to snap this photo from across railroad tracks. Why? Those buildings you see in the distance belong to Metalor Technologies and it's the only way to get the head office building (on the left) and factory complex in one photo. 

Some of the world's biggest gold refineries are located in Switzerland and Metalor is one of the "big boys". Some 70% of the world's gold is processed in Switzerland. 

Back in the summers of 2003 and 2004 I cycled around Switzerland visiting over 100 watch companies as well as watch-related companies. I tried to visit Metalor's head office near Neuchatel's city center back in 2003 but was rebuffed by the company's lawyer. Since my attempted visit Metalor has changed hands several times and is now owned by a Japanese company. The head office moved here next to the factory in 2016
Metalor has been around since 1852 and back in 2003 had over $250 million revenues with 1,500 employees. Watch companies use plenty of precious metals (gold and silver) in their products. 
Cycling around the property's perimeter I was curious as to their security--yep, the usual cameras and fences are in use.

I remember visiting Chopard (maker of high-end watches) and during a tour of the factory was shown gold and silver bars being melted. I've always wondered how they transported the  precious metals to the watchmakers. Do they use armored trucks? UPS/Federal Express/post office? Unmarked cars? Guys on motorcycles? Of course, watch companies don't talk about such things. 

 This is the main factory entrance to Metalor and my plan was to hang around the entrance eating my lunch and watch the comings and goings. I got bored after five minutes and pedaled off.  
Beautiful farmland. That's Lake Neuchatel off in the distance. It's about a 65 mile ride around the lake. Lake Neuchatel is Switzerland's third largest lake (behind Lake Geneva and Lake Constance) but, is the largest lake entirely in Switzerland. Lake Geneva shares its shoreline with France and Lake Constance with Germany. More trivia: Lake Neuchatel is Europe's 59th largest lake. 
Flowers add to this church's look.
Flower's add to this hotel's exterior.
It's farming country and a smell brings me to a stop. What's this growing next to fields of corn? That there is tobacco. Over 350 farmers grow tobacco in Switzerland and this region is awash in the killer plant. 

Tiny village with seemingly mandatory church. 

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